Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hot Fuzz

I love funny movies. Even if it’s one of those movies that are stupidly funny, I still love it. Luckbox and I recently saw Blades of Glory, and I can honestly say that I’ve never busted a gut like that in my life. Although I do tend to find most things funny, this time I was not the only one laughing. I was crying and gasping for air at the same time in hopes that I wouldn’t pass out.

On Sunday (the day after Luckbox asked me to marry him!!!!), we went to see Hot Fuzz. I had been hearing how funny it is, and was exciterd to see the movie. Luckbox needed no convincing.

I didn’t exactly bust a gut the way I was expecting, however, there were genuinely funny and goofy moments sprinkled through the movie. With an actual story line that is 89% realistic, and believable characters, I didn’t feel as though I were watching Dumb & Dumber II or something rather brainless like that.

The two main characters are forced into a partnership that is abhorred by one, and enthusiastically loved by the other. One is serious and obsessed with perfection in his career while the other is almost childlike, is like a sponge drinking in all the knowledge his partner has to offer, loves a big monkey, and has a lot of growing up to do. Together, they are an odd couple at best, trying to solve a mystery, and along the way acquire a platonic fondness for another.
There are scenes reminiscent of Bad Boys II and Point Break which are hilarious, and lines so funny that I have committed them to memory to throw into my daily conversations.

This movie surprised me in that it is not actually a mindless comedy like it appears in the previews, but is enjoyable, goofy, and worthwhile. Do yourself a great big favor and go see it.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Hills Have Eyes 2

Everyone who knows me is aware of how much I love scary movies. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had an odd fascination with fear, monsters, and the anticipation is seeing what might be hiding under the bed or behind the squeaky door. Because my man is the coolest guy ever, he acquiesces to seeing scary movies with me whenever I have the urge, and this weekend we saw The Hills Have Eyes 2.

The first Hills Have Eyes movie was, in my opinion, entertaining and had some genuinely frightening moments, and because the ending was left wide open, it allowed ease in creating a second movie. Being that I enjoyed the first, I figured the second would be decent as well but I was let down.
Unfortunately, The Hills Have Eyes 2 follows the same story line as so many other horror movies these days. A group of people place themselves in a bad situation, play hide and go seek with the killer, and then get picked off one by one. Without an ounce of character development, the viewer lacks empathy for what the individuals are experiencing and in place of sorrow is disgust. In fact, in one scene involving a lengthy tongue, I gagged at least 3 times and almost threw up all over my man. This is not the type of reaction that comes from a girl who has seen every scary movie ever made.
If you enjoy the graphic visual of bloody, sticky, diseased, mutant birth, or perhaps the pulling open of a cranium and removal of brain matter, or maybe monster rape, then this is the movie for you. If not, then I think it’s wise to steer clear of this one. The first movie was much better.